Welcome to our III Gracie Elite Tournament

How to Register:
Registration fee: $50 per person to be paid using the following Pay ID:
PayID : jhuniorguarnido@hotmail.com
Use as payment reference the recipe number from your payment.
Registrations will only be processed if the receipt number is added to the registration form.
For any information: info@graciebjj.com.au
Fill up the form below with the athlete details and receipt number from the transfer.
I do hereby submit my application for participation in the 2023 3nd Gracie Elite Interclub Tournament held at the Gracie Elite Headquarter, Pakenham, Melbourne on th 16th July 2023.
I hereby assume full responsibility and liability for all damages, injuries and losses that I may incur while participating in or watching the tournament.
I realise that serious injury in martial arts tournaments such as the one I am hereby entering; and that even death is a very real possibility. I also realize that if I am injured, I might be disfigured, disabled and or rendered unable to work again. I realise that regardless of how these consequences may occur – whether it be the result of an opponent’s actions, the action or inaction of a referee, the condition of the mats used, the conduct of a non-participant or any other reason – By entering into this agreement I accept the risk of entering and being present at the tournament and give up and waive all claims I or anyone acting on my behalf or through me might have against the Loyalty Martial Arts Pty Ltd the promoters, operators, sponsors, officials, referees, participants, non-participants or the Gracie Elite Headquarter and their agents, employees and representatives for any injury regardless of its nature, effect or affect on me as a result of my participation and or presence at the tournament.
I authorise whatever medical personnel, that may be present at the tournament to take any action necessary, should I become injured.
I further understand that tickets will be sold to spectators to watch the tournament; that news media and others may cover the tournament and that it may also be video taped or otherwise shown to audiences around the world. I hereby consent to having my likeness, shown, publicized, commented/reported on; and I do not expect to, and in fact waive any compensation I might otherwise be entitled to as a result thereof.
I represent that I am in good health; that I am not presently, nor will I participate while under the influence of any drug medication; that no one affiliated with this tournament has encouraged me to enter or made any representations regarding my fitness or ability to participate; that I have read and understood every provision of this release; and that I am legally competent to and freely enter into this waiver, release and assumption of risk agreement.